Plastic tanks
TOur technology is suitable for sheet paneling (butt welding), extruder fusion welding, and manual hot air welding...
Chemical dispensers
Chemical storage and dispensing tanks differ from "normal" tanks in that they are fitted differently according to their function...
Powder dosers
In various water and wastewater treatment technologies, there is a need to precisely dose powdered materials...
Polymer dissolver
There are numerous wastewater treatment technologies that result in the creation of a sludge phase that needs to be separated from the water...
Gas and air scrubbing towers
When it comes to gas and air scrubbing towers, it is essential to understand that there are no standard products, and therefore, we cannot speak of mass production...
Plastic chamber filter press
In most wastewater treatment technologies, there is a need to dewater sludge-like material (a byproduct or waste) before utilization and/or disposal...
Olajos-emulziós, festékes, mosószeres, lebegőanyag-tartalmú szennyvizek tisztítására alkalmas, 1-3 m3/h kapacitással a szennyezőanyag-terheléstől függően...