Industrial Wastewater Treatment
The goods produced by industrial companies are essential for our daily lives. However, during the production of these goods, various materials may be generated, which can potentially harm the environment in most cases. In fortunate situations, these materials can be recycled back into the production process or serve as raw materials in another manufacturing process. However, there are also cases where these materials require some form of treatment to prevent environmental damage. One of the largest streams exiting production processes is wastewater. This can be generated at various points in the manufacturing process, with pollutant content dependent on the technology used, or it can even originate from equipment cleaning. The treatment of this wastewater must be resolved before discharge into the receiving environment, ensuring compliance with the legally defined limits.
Körte Environmental Technology Ltd. - and its predecessor - began dealing with the treatment of industrial wastewater in 1984. With the expansion of its business boundaries, the company became one of the market leaders in the field of industrial emissions - wastewater and sludge treatment - by the early 1990s. This position has been successfully maintained to this day!
We offer our clients comprehensive services, which include the following:
- - On-site survey and assessment
- - Sampling to determine the characteristics of each discharge point
- - Preparation of material balances
- - Laboratory experiments to determine the treatment technology
- - Pilot experiments with semi-industrial equipment installed on-site
- - Technological planning based on experimental results
- - Preparation of all documentation required for permits and operation (water permits, operating instructions, etc.)
- - Manufacture and/or procurement of the machinery and equipment needed for the treatment technology
- - On-site installation of the technology, commissioning, and operator training
- - Service and chemical supply
- - Operation services
Over the past three decades, we have worked in almost every industry, building wastewater treatment and/or sludge treatment technologies. You can see some of them by clicking on the links below.
References by industrial category
If you would like to learn more about these projects or request a proposal for a new project, please contact us through one of our contact methods.